When people think of “Fat”, we often focus on fats underneath our skin. These fats are our “subcutaneous fats”. This is the fat that we can feel when we pinch our belly, arms or thighs. This is also the fat that we suction out during Liposuction.

What not everyone is aware of are the fats surrounding some of our major organs like our liver, pancreas, intestines, and kidneys. These fats are what we called VISCERAL FATS. Unlike the subcutaneous fats, these fats can’t be easily felt and seen. It is located inside the abdominal cavities. Excessive amount of visceral fat interrupts the hormonal communication between the organs causing health problems.

Visceral fats are often referred to as “active fats” as it can actively increase the risk of multiple health problems like:

    • Heart Disease
    • Stroke
    • Diabetes
    • Dementia
    • Mood Problems – Dementia

Knowing the risks of having excess Visceral fat, you might be wondering how to prevent or lower down the accumulation of deep fats.

This is how:

Exercise Regularly

Study shows that High-Intensity Resistance Training is the moat effective workout in reducing visceral fat. Exercising in general is helpful for us in any way so, do whatever is best for you and helps you to be consistent. Make sure to incorporate Burst Training and HIIT workout in your routine.

Reduce Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates Intake

Minimizing the intake of foods that contain sugar and refined carbohydrates helps rebalance the hormone “insulin” naturally and reduce fat.

Reduce Stress

Balancing work, pleasure and socialization is important in weight loss. Mostly this factor is often overlooked. Stress can interfere with appetite, sleep and mood.

Stress is inevitable but we should find our own way of overcoming it. Methods like reading a book, walking, meditating, dancing or simply having a good sleep is beneficial.