All about Inbody (Body Composition Analysis)
All patients who come to the Evita clinic will check the Inbody before liposuction or gynecomastia consultation. Of course, if you come to Evita clinic for other reasons, you can always check your Inbody. We have a lot of consultations based on the results of the Inbody result. Now, let’s see what exactly this Inbody test is checking.
Inbody test to see balance of body composition at a glance
The body water, protein, minerals and body fat that make up the human body are closely related to health.
Body composition analysis is a quantitative analysis of the body composition and provides basic information for understanding the condition of the body.

InBody was developed as a BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) principle.
The bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), which was first used in the late 1960s, is based on the principle that the human body is made of water with good electricity and the degree of electricity passing through it, Impedance index is obtained by flowing alternating current, and body water is measured.
Until the late 1980s, the BIA method had incorrect results with single-frequency system impedance measurements and had to be calibrated through empirical variables. However, the formulas to which the variables were added were less accurate than those of the group, making it difficult to use them universally.
Inbody, over the limitation
In 1996, BIA’s inaccuracies were due to limitations of technology. Therefore, Inbody Co., Ltd. developed the commercial BIA body composition measuring instrument, Inbody, which realized the world’s first direct and multi-frequency measurement. At present, Inbody is acknowledged as a high precision and reproducible technology by world experts, and hundreds of related papers are listed in nutrition, sports, and obesity every year
It was recognized as a world patent- Direct Segmental Multi-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, DSM-BIA
Direct In-band Impedance Measurement (Direct Segmental Multi-Frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, DSM-BIA) is a technique to measure human body’s arm, leg, and torso impedance. The existing BIA method cannot be said to accurately analyze the body composition considering the human body as one cylindrical shape. In contrast, Inbody measures arms, legs, and trunk, each with different shapes, densities, and cross-sectional areas, to analyze body parts more accurately than any other device.
Inbody measurement method using multi-frequency
In-band multi frequency measurement is a technique that accurately measures both intracellular water and extracellular water using multiple frequencies between 1 kHz and 1 MHz. In the early BIA method, only a single frequency of 50 kHz was used to distinguish intracellular and extracellular water and could not be measured accurately. Therefore, in order to overcome the limitation of the early BIA method which calculated the whole body water proportionally and to develop the water balance item, Inbody is actively used in the field of kidney medicine and rehabilitation