Natural Beauty

We’ve seen many celebrities with natural dimples, and for those congenital dimples, that undeniable cuteness can be achieved surgically.

It take a a short period of time within 20 minute, you can expect a natural effect, because the surgery inside your mouth progresses.

Quickly and easily without worrying about scarring.

Why Do People Make Dimples?

  • Gently changes the strong impression

  • Chubby cheeks to slim

  • Point to a flat face

  • Sign of attractiveness, good fortune


Dimples are seen in people where the connective tissue above the cheekbones is tightly attached to the skin.

Even if you had dimples as a child, they can disappear as you gain weight or grow muscles.

Dimple surgery involves creating connective tissue between the muscle and skin.

The downside is that these surgically created dimples are not permanent and will fade over the years.

Surgical Procedure


Local Anesthesia

Operation Within Oral Cavity

No need stich out

Frequent Gargling

Cheek Center type


Long type

It is the common shape of dimples, it makes you look younger, cute and gentle image.

One Side – $ 250 USD

₩ 330,000 won (KRW)

Both Side – $ 410 USD

₩ 550,000 won (KRW)

This type of dimples is the most preferred in these days, in your cheeks the dimples will be located in vertical long, it gives cute and gentle image, mature beauty and sexiness.

Postoperation Photos

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