Tummy Tuck
Although our skin is versatile and flexible, sometimes removing large volume of fats could result to loose saggy skin. This is also common after losing weight or after pegnancy.
Abdominoplasty is the removal of excess skin in the abdomen. This is commonly known as “Tummy Tuck”. This surgery flattens your adomen and tightens your abdominal wall.
This is different from Liposuction, although you may choose to have Liposuction together with Tummy Tuck. We call this surgery “Lipoabdominoplasty“.
Most patients choose to have this surgery to get rid of both the excess skin and fats. A combination of these two procedures could give you an hourglass shape that may require circumferential truncal liposuction (aka 360 liposuction), particularly of the back, love handles, and flanks, to fully contour the waist and torso.
Tummy Tuck

- Abdominoplasty is often recommended to patients with low abdominal skin laxity, extensive stretch marks and/or severely stretched abdominal muscles as a result of pregnancy and excessive weight loss. These concerns cannot be solved by liposuction alone.
- It is popularly known as Tummy Tuck but in our clinic, we refer to it as “Lipoabdominoplasty”. This is because we perform abdominoplasty with liposuction.
- It involves removal of fat and removal of a large section of skin from the lower abdomen, together with a surgical relocation of the belly button.
- This procedure is considered a major surgery that would require an expert surgeon. Evita’s surgeon, Dr. Jeon Cheol Woo, has been doing it for years. He does it with extensive analysis of patients’s body and skin condition and careful and detailed surgical skills in doing the procedure.

Operation Day
Within 1 ~ 7 days
After 1 week

Postoperation Course
Tummy tuck is a major body contouring surgery. Patients should know and understand clearly the facts before deciding to go forward. With that said, planning with the surgeon and discussing about your options is important. Both should have the same goal.
After the surgery, patients needs to rest for at least 2 weeks. You should plan to take at least this much time off from work and stay in Korea.
It is important for patients to stop smoking and maintain a healthy diet. Patients should also sleep with their heads elevated for at least 1 week after their surgery.
Within your 2-week stay in the country, you will be asked to visit the clinic everyday for incision care and therapies.A drain will be placed on both sides of your lower abdomen. This will be checked everyday and will be removed once the fluid drained within the day will fall below 30cc. This usually takes 3-4 days.
Wearing of the compression garment is necessary after the surgery. You need to wear this 24 hours for 4 weeks. This will help minimize the risk of blood clots and help shape your abdomen.
Stitches will be removed after 7-10 days. You need to continue caring for the incision area by applying steri-stips to helo minimize the size of the scar.
You can start doing some mild exercises and stretches once the stitches are out.