This is an online consultation page. Your inquiry will only be viewed by the administrator of this site. Your information and photos will remain confidential. When uploading photos, please make sure to click the “Secret” button.

You can create an inquiry as follows:

Hello. I am (name). I am 170cm in height and weigh 85 kgs. I am interested in abdominal liposuction. I have never previously received any other surgery. Recently, I lost a lot of weight, the skin looks a little sagging.

Or you can do it this way:

I will be in Korea from October 8-15. During that time I would like to have a consultation and surgery for Gynecomastia. I am 80kg and 190cm in height. I like to exercise but it hasn’t helped with reducing the size of my chest. I have attached photos.

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Total 98
Number Title Author Date Votes Views
Secret Mummy makeover (1)
PBJ | 2022.10.13 | Votes 0 | Views 4
PBJ 2022.10.13 0 4