Classical Phlebectomy by Stripping is often subject to general anesthesia, requiring long hospitalization and a long recovery period. But, Ambulatory phlebectomy is an outpatient procedure for bulging, varicose veins that are close to the surface of the skin which can be removed through small incisions.

Use local anesthesia by Tumescent technique. In some cases, monitoring sleep anestheisia is sufficient to remove the discomfort during surgery.
With minimal local anesthesia and minimal incision, you selectively find, bind, cut and remove the veins you need.
Incision & Hook Insertion

Dissection & Hooked

Ligation & Remove

Operation Schedule
After consulting, check again for factors such as DVT through Doppler ultrasound. The area to be operated on is determined after consultation and marked.
If you want sleep anesthesia, you should fast for six hours.
Although surgery varies depending on the region and the degree of surgery, it usually takes about one to two hours.
Further additional sclerotherapy of small vessels takes longer.
One Leg
Both Leg
Sleep Anesthesia