Recently, a lot of people because of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has a vision of a concern.
In the present it concentrates hospital for a thorough environmental management than ever for MERS virus prevention and management.
Repeated sterilization is safe surgery proceeded out, so in principle, of course, clean sanitation,
You are welcome to get relief admission.


  1. Prepare mask and hand sanitizer.

We place a individual masks in the waiting room to reduce the risk of infection with careful management.
Our Evita was already waiting room, hallway, by placing hand sanitizers throughout the surgical room
One room even has to try to create an environment for prevent themselves from external virus.

  1. DUR system integration management subjects and access restrictions check
    DUR system of the Korea Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service is isolated MERS information and build networks that can identify a person suspected parties in real time.
    Isolated subjects diagnosed patients as well as information gathering is possible.
    Patient acceptance of our Evita, the prescription program
    You can check in real time about MERS over the DUR system in conjunction with the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service,
    You can continue to take fast action to control the spread in confined inside.
  2. Thorough disinfection and epidemic prevention work
    Instruments used during surgery with a waiting room and Operation room are sterilized, the sterilization process is done so that it can be kept clean at all times.
    After admission through the prevention and control system for the drive to minimize the infection can write more attention once the safety of all those who receive the surgery.
  3. Regular strengthened nosocomial infection prevention education
    In Evita Clinic, also We have regular training on the prevention of nosocomial infections.
    In the context of the recent proliferation of MERS, it has reinforced these special nosocomial infection prevention education.

Basically, it is true that Mers is spreaded nowdays.

However as a doctor, the thing is contagious possibility is lower than Flu, it is lethal to people who have low level of immunity.
Under my expectation, this issue will be solved in 2~3 weeks 
What matters, our clinic doesn’t related with respiratory disease at all. 
We treat healthy patient in purpose of beauty.  
As a doctor, I can say we are not involved in managing Respiratory care, dont  have any hospital treatment.
Our all of staffs are stick the rule of cleaness.

Evita Clinic are always trying for the sake of your health.

In addition, MERS patients to those who are struggling in the current community infections
I hope them be quickly recovery.
Thank you.