Patient’s Rights

Dignity and Respect

You will be given appropriate and professional healthcare regardless of your age, gender, race, religion, nationality, social status, or if you have any special needs.  You will be treated with compassion, dignity and respect. Your legal guardian or any legally authorized person will exercise your rights according to the extent of the law should you be unable to do so.

You have the right to meet and talk with family, friends and other visitors during visiting hours unless such rights are restricted as part of your overall medical treatment. You also have the right to refuse visitors.

Your special needs will be respected, whether these mean requiring language translators, special religious food requirements, device or access assistance, during the course of your care.

During your stay in our Evita Clinic, you may arrange for your own spiritual care, and request for any counselling or pastoral support to be made available.

Our Evita Clinic will respect and comply with your decisions made in accordance to your Advance Medical Directive*.
You have the right to refuse to donate tissue or participate in any sort of medical research whilst admitted to Evita Clinic.

* The Advance Medical Directive (AMD) is a lega l document you sign in advance to inform your doctor that you do not want the use of any life-sustaining trea tment to be used to prolong your life in the event you become terminally ill a nd unconscious and where death is imminent.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Your medical information and all aspects of care rendered to you are kept private and confidential.  Your medical records are accessed only by those involved in treating you and arranging for your care. These records will not be released to anyone without your consent, except when required by the law or a third-party payer contract.

You may request for a copy of your medical report in accordance to Evita Clinic’s policy. Your medical records are kept in a safe and protected environment.

Receive Information and Explanation about Your Treatment

You are entitled to information about your medical condition, treatment and possible results in a language that you understand (where possible).  This includes information about possible risks, side effects and alternative methods of treatment. You have the right to know the names of the healthcare professionals responsible for your treatment and care. The information provided will help you to participate in decisions involving your medical condition and potential treatment. At any time, you will have access to people and information about health education, self-care and prevention of illness.

You have the right to refuse medical care or recommended treatment to the extent permitted by law.  However, if you choose not to undergo treatment, or leave Evita Clinic against the doctor’s advice, you will have to accept responsibility for any medical consequences resulting from your decision.
You will be briefed on the possible medical consequences.

Financial Counselling and Estimated Bill

You are entitled to financial counselling and an estimate of your hospital bill at the time of your admission. Be mindful to ask for information related to any change in your treatment plan or medical needs which may alter this initial estimate.

You have the right to ask for this information and seek the necessary clarification whilst admitted to Evita Clinic.

Upon Your Discharge

Feel free to ask for your healthcare instructions in writing; we want you to feel that you have the information you need to care for yourself at home. Please make sure you and your care-giver understand these instructions and ask questions until you understand them.

Your medication must be followed as prescribed, and if you have any concerns about your safety, please tell your nurse, doctor or therapist.

Make sure you have the names and contact information for your doctors, clinics, pharmacies and rehabilitation services for easy reference.

Patient’s Responsibility

Provision of Information

You are required to provide accurate and complete information about your present medical condition and any infectious conditions you may have, including past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, Advance Medical Directive (AMD), and other relevant details in order for you to receive appropriate and safe medical treatment.

Please inform us if you have any existing infectious conditions so that appropriate infection control procedures can be taken. Your long term health depends on your responsibility in recognizing the effect of your lifestyle on your personal health.

Advise us of any changes in your health status.

When obtaining copies of your own medical reports, please ensure you have received the correct information before you leave.

Respect and Consideration
We ask that you and your family members be considerate of other patients in the hospital who also require rest and the attention of our staff; please consider the rights of others, and show respect and courtesy to all staff, doctors and nurses, and visitors.

You are responsible for your own conduct and behaviour during your stay in hospital; any threat, harassment, or intention to cause others harm or disrupt the hospital operations are not acceptable actions.

Please comply with hospital regulations put in place for patients’ safety (for example, our policy on visitation).

Please respect the hospitals’ equipment and facilities, treat such property with reasonable care, and be conscious in helping us reduce any wastage in precious
resources such as water usage, etc.

No Smoking Policy

Our Hospital is no smoking zone. Please observe the “No Smoking” policy.


Please do not bring any valuables with you, as you are responsible for the safekeeping of your personal possessions.
Please arrive for admission at the appointed time so as to ensure that the necessary pre-surgical preparations can be completed in a safe and controlled manner.
You will be advised of your financial commitment related to your treatment by your consulting physicians as well as surgical and hospital charges.

It is your responsibility to pay your bills or make suitable arrangement to fulfil your financial obligations. By remitting your bill duly and on time, you will help the hospital continue to focus on its work to serve other patients’ needs.

Medication and Treatment

All your medications will be supplied by our Hospital Pharmacy and administered by our staff whilst you are in Evita Clinic.

Do not tamper with any Medical Devices.

Please do not bring any medication from home unless you need to show it to your Doctor.
You should however, bring along a written list of medications you may be on and show this list to your Doctor and the nurses in the ward.
Any medication that you bring from home will not be administered and will be returned to you for safekeeping.