When can I go back to work?
Like any other surgery, the body needs to rest and recover from the trauma it exerted during the procedure and Gynecomastia Surgery is no different. Limiting one’s activity will prevent further injury to the area and helps in not prolonging the recovery period. Evita Clinic patients can expect the following timetable of returning to normal activities:
For those working in the office or doing desk jobs, you may go back to work at least a day after surgery.
If time is an issue, you can go back to work as early as the next day after surgery but you would need to visit the clinic first for a follow-up. The follow-up session will only take at least 20 minutes. After that, you can resume your daily activities.
For patients working in the field, you would have to avoid strenuous activities for the first two weeks after surgery. Physical activities that would involve stretching the chest could cause more injury to the operated area. Examples of activities that should be avoided includes heavy lifting of above 10kgs, operating heavy machinery, and construction work.
Working out is highly encouraged after Gynecomastia Surgery. This would greatly help improve the overall appearance of your chest and aids in preventing chest sagging. You can start weight lifting 4 weeks after your surgery. Running, Jogging or any leg workout can be done as early as a week after surgery.
We are not asking you to stop Smoking but you shouldn’t smoke at least 2 weeks after your surgery. Smoking slows down the wound healing process adding more time to your recovery period. Also, smoking increases the risk of infection. Infection is always a concern because it will not only cause your incision not to heal, it may affect your entire body.
We could not emphasize this enough but whatever you do, make sure to wear your compression vest for 4 weeks after surgery. This prevents fluid accumulation and helps in the swelling and skin retraction.
[FAQ] How long after gynecomastia surgery can I workout?
Dr. Francis Jeon of Evita Clinic explains when to start taking medication or exercising after gynecomastia surgery.
[FAQ] Do fat dissolving injections work on gynecomastia?
It is very rare that gynecomastia can be treated with injections. We will explain why.
What is the biobond that occurs after surgery?
This phenomenon causes body fluids to escape from damaged adipose tissue(fat cell), blood vessels, and lymphatics after liposuction. Because of its stickiness, it is called ‘Bio Bond’.
Some common questions and answers about gynecomastia surgery <1>
Some common questions and answers about gynecomastia surgery
Gynecomastia Post-Operative Instructions
Gynecomastia: Process for Same Day Consultation and Surgery
GYNECOMASTIA Process for Same Day Consultation and Surgery [...]