Our Gynecomastia Surgery includes three surgical methods:
(1) Invasive direct excision (Mastectomy)
(2) Laser (Accusculp®) Assisted Lipolysis for lifting
(3) Powered-Assisted Liposuction (Lipomatic®)
Combination of these three methods result to better shape and reduce the risk of complications.

“I decided to go with them so I sent an email and received a quick response. The surgery and care after the surgery went well and I am very happy. It was a great choice..”
Lincoln, Tokyo, WHATCLINIC.COM
Gynecomastia cannot be corrected with chest exercises.
Evita’s Combined Surgical Method for Gynecomastia

Our Prices

Grade I & II
$2100003,000,000 won(KRW)
- Basic & Common
- Liposuction & Mastectomy
- About 2 hours
- Minimal Skin incision
- Usually, within 3-4 days for Recovery
Grade III & IV
$3500005,000,000 won (KRW)
- Skin Redundancy & Ptosis
- Add Mastopexy with Skin resection
- About 4 hours
- Inverted-T Shape Skin Resection
- At leat, 2 weeks need
Areolar Reduction
$700001,000,000 won (KRW)
- enlarged areola
- Add areolar skin excision
- additional 1 hours
- Circum- arolar Skin Resection
- Possible over 1 week for Revovery

The above picture is a mosaic picture made of glands that we removed from our first 100 patients.